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Google GSuite

Supports SPF Supports DKIM

How to Enable SPF for Google GSuite


To set up your SPF record with Google GSuite or edit your current SPF record to include GSuite, follow the steps below:

  1. Sign in to your domain account at your domain's DNS hosting provider (Not GSuite)
  2. Locate page for updating your domain’s DNS records (e.g., DNS Management, Name Server Management, Advanced Settings)
  3. Find your TXT records to check if you have an existing SPF record (record will start with v=spf1).
  • If you have an existing SPF record, follow the instructions below to update an existing SPF record with multiple mail servers.
    • In your existing SPF record, you will append
    • For example, if your existing record looked like v=spf1; mx; ip4:; you would add the above include as follows v=spf1; mx; ip4:;;
  • If you do not have an SPF record, Create a new TXT record with the following values:
    • In the Name/Host/Alias field, enter @ or leave blank (other DNS records might indicate which one you need)
    • In the Time to Live (TTL) field, enter 3600 or leave the default
    • In the Value/Answer/Destination field, enter: v=spf1 ~all and Save the TXT record


How to Enable DKIM for GSuite


To set up your DKIM record with Google GSuite or edit your current SPF record to include GSuite, follow the steps below:

  1. Generate the public domain key for your domain
  2. Add the key to your domain’s DNS records so recipients can retrieve it for reading the DKIM header
  3. Activate email signing to begin adding the DKIM header to outgoing mail messages

Note: Skip the first two steps if you purchased your domain from one of Google’s domain host partners during G Suite signup. Google automatically generates the domain key and adds the necessary DNS record when you turn on authentication.

If you already have a DKIM domain key for your domain (e.g., if your legacy mail server signs outgoing mail), you still need to generate a separate key for G Suite to utilize. The G Suite domain key differs from any other key by a string known as a selector prefix. The selector prefix for the G Suite domain key is “google” by default, but you can enter a new selector prefix when you generate the key if preferred.

DKIM/SPF Setup Highlights

The below sections highlight notable characteristics of setting up DKIM and SPF for this provider as well as highlighting advanced settings if offered by this Outbound Email Source.


SPF Include Tag Required

This outbound email provider uses an include mechanism to add this provider's IP space to your SPF. To get fully set up with SPF for this provider, you will need to take the provided “include” domain and add it to your SPF record. An example of an SPF record without an include tag is compared to one with the tag added below (the include tags added are denoted in bold).


Initial SPF Record:

HOST TEXT v=spf1 ~all


SPF record include added:

HOST TEXT v=spf1 ~all


This outbound email provider does not allow a custom Return-Path address to be set. 


Supports DKIM Signing

Yes, this outbound email provider supports DKIM signing.

DKIM Setup via TXT record

This outbound email provider uses a TXT record to initiate DKIM set up. You will need to take the TXT record(s) provided to you by the provider and add them to your DNS via your DNS hosting provider.

An example of a DKIM TXT record is shown below.

HOST TEXT k=rsa; t=s; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDPtW5iwpXVPiH5FzJ7Nrl8USzuY9zqqzjE0D1r04xDN6qwziDnmgcFNNfMewVKN2D1O+2J9N14hRprzByFwfQW76yojh54Xu3uSbQ3JP0A7k8o8GutRF8zbFUA8n0ZH2y0cIEjMliXY4W4LwPA7m4q0ObmvSjhd63O9d8z1XkUBwIDAQAB

This outbound email provider allows custom DKIM records to be setup.

DKIM Setup Process: Self-Service Dashboard

This email provider offers a self-service dashboard where DKIM records will be setup for the account. To get DKIM setup for this provider you will login to your account at this provider and proceed to the DKIM setup area.