Open-Relays Verifying Engine Database List (ORVEDB) - This list contains the IP numbers of hosts that the Open-Relays Verifying Engine (ORVE) verified that are Open-Relays machines (Junkmailers). A host listed here, unlike the RSBL list, is not necessarily a spammer host because hosts running an open-relay usually do it accidentally, for inexperience of its administrator(s). ORVEDB is part of ANTISPAM-UFRJ, the official anti-spam website of the Laboratory for the Processing of Analog and Digital Signals (PADS/COPPE/UFRJ). The ANTISPAM-UFRJ is a real-time database with the mission to supply the Mail Transport Agents (MTA) of the hosts in the PADS and in other networks with the most recent information about open-relay hosts, spammers hosts, or dialup machines on the Internet.