Hostname returned invalid syntax for SPF record. We detected a problem with the syntax of your SPF record. This may cause email delivery issues to your message recipients.
A syntax error is the result of having one of more misconfigured mechanisms that do not meet guidelines in RFC 7208. This error will cause your SPF record to be read incorrectly and block legitimate email.
Common SPF syntax errors are:
Mechanisms that perform DNS lookups (mx, a, ptr, exists, redirect, include) contain text rather than domains or hostnames
Mechanisms contain a numerical value, when they require a domain or hostname
Format of IP addresses for ip4 and ip6 mechanisms is incorrect
Full list of SPF Mechanisms and examples
A hidden syntax error can make it very difficult to know why messages are being blocked, as SPF is used by all mail servers to autheticate the sender and the resulting block error may not specify that it is an SPF Record Syntax issue that is causing the problem.