The serial number is an unsigned 32 bit value assigned to your SOA record must be between 1 and 4294967295.
We will issue a warning if your serial is either invalid by being outside of the allowed range or if it does not conform to this format.
Additional Information
It has become common to set your serial number with a date format to make it easier to to manage. This format uses 10 digits to represent the date and then a two digit sequence number with the format of YYYYmmddss.
Your Email Deliverability is in Jeopardy!
Blacklisting is a sign that you are not actively managing your email deliverability. Other technologies - SPF, DKIM and DMARC are now just as important to get your email placed in the Inbox of your recipients. If you aren’t managing email deliverability, your message may never be heard.
MxToolbox Delivery Center Features:
- Insight into your SPF, DKIM and DMARC configuration to ensure your sending email properly
- DMARC Compliance checks for all of your reported email
- Adaptive Blacklist Monitoring of all your email senders
- Recommendations for improving DMARC compliance and DMARC policies
- Event-based reminders for emergent issues and on-going maintenance
DMARC is a necessity for your business!
Learn More about Email Delivery