If you see this error, one of the "rua" or "ruf" email addresses in your report does not have a DNS TXT record verifying that they wish to receive DMARC reports for your domain.
If you want to send your DMARC reports to a domain other than the one that the record is for, then the recieving domain needs to configure a DNS record so that Email Serivce Providers know that the recipient is authorizing the the reports.
From RFC-7489
Verifying External Destinations
It is possible to specify destinations for the different reports that are outside the authority of the Domain Owner making the request. This allows domains that do not operate mail servers to request reports and have them go someplace that is able to receive and process them. Without checks, this would allow a bad actor to publish a DMARC policy record that requests that reports be sent to a victim address, and then send a large volume of mail that will fail both DKIM and SPF checks to a wide variety of destinations; the victim will in turn be flooded with unwanted reports. Therefore, a verification mechanism is included.
For example: If your domain is domain.com and you want to send your reports to mxtoolbox.dmarc-report.com, then the recipient domain (in this case MxToolbox) needs to have a TXT DNS record domain.com._report._dmarc.mxtoolbox.dmarc-report.com which has the content v=DMARC1. Note: This record is something that the recipient of your DMARC reports needs to configure.
In the majority of cases the recipient domain will create a wild card record, which essentially means the domain is willing to receive DMARC reports for ANY domain. A wildcard record would look like this: *._report._dmarc.example.com with a value of "v=DMARC1"
When you configure MxToolbox to receive your DMARC reports, we are automatically setup to receive your reports.